Monday, September 30, 2019

Mapping my school

The Laggard High School is located between the central avenue and the Washington Avenue. It is bounded by the ivy-league university like the Baylor’s University. It has a main entrance and another entrance opposite to the fire service which is on the other side of the street. The overall atmosphere of the school is calm. The Laggard High School is bounded on north by the ivy college. The Laggard Middle School is located by the side of the High school and the Laggard Elementary School is behind the High School. The front end classrooms are built in buildings which are L- shaped with the main entrance between them. The remaining classrooms are in a C-shaped building. Behind these classrooms is located a cafeteria. The school playground and gym are behind the cafeteria. The Baylor University located opposite to the school has some influence on the students of the Laggard High School. As the high school students can observe the university students, they will have an idea on the university life. They will also have an idea about the future courses available to them from the universities after study in high school. The Baylor’s University leaves a complete educational environment to the Laggard High School. The students develop an enthusiasm to reach the University for pursuing the courses of their interest. One of the reasons for this is the location of the Baylor’s University. When we discuss about safety in the school, the first thing that comes into mind is the fire service which is located on the opposite side of the street. Whenever there is an untoward incident like fire accident, there is no worry as the fire service is available at the minimum time. In general, the school as a whole is very safe place. As the school is located facing the street, traffic might be a problem when safety is considered. The main entrance, which faces the street, is a dangerous spot in busy hours like 08:30 AM. The students and the staff are in a hurry in the morning, due to which there might be chance of accidents. The car parking which lies just beside the main entrance creates inconvenience to those who go in and out of the school by walk. Car parking at the other entrance is restricted only to staff. One of the solutions that I feel suggestible is that employing a guard at the main entrance to guide the incoming and outgoing vehicles in the busy hours to avoid accidents. This will also fill confidence in the students and staff who walk by the main entrance. Another unsafe area to be considered in the campus is the cafeteria. Yes, the cafeteria is definitely an unsafe place as there is no proper monitoring. There are no enough emergency exits. Since there is no good monitoring, there are more chances of disputes. Any disputes or fights between students cannot be controlled easily. And another disadvantage is that there are no emergency exits in case of fire accidents. And we all know that, cafeteria has the highest scope for fire accident compare to any other place in the school campus. Moreover, the cafeteria is situated far from the entrance due to which more time is wasted before the fire service reaches the cafeteria crossing the staff car parking lot. I feel providing enough emergency exits to the cafeteria immediately and monitoring of the cafeteria would provide safety. The monitoring can be done indirectly by placing closed circuit cameras in the cafeteria and monitoring it from the main school building. Any disturbances in the cafeteria can be easily recognized from the main building and necessary actions can be taken. The playground and the gym are located far from the main building. In case, if there is a severe injury to any student in the ground, it is difficult to provide medical facility immediately. This problem can be overcome by placing a first aid and emergency medical aid unit in the gymnasium. The traffic outside the campus is also a problem, as the school is situated in a very busy center of the city. The traffic on both the sides i.e. at the Washington Avenue as well as the Central Avenue is crowded at the end of the day. All the vehicles of the students as well as the staff come out of the school at the same time creating traffic problems. To solve this problem, it is better that a guard is employed at both the entrances who will guide the vehicles going out at the time of heavy traffic though the street. All these safety issues are a great disturbance for the parents. By employing the suggested solutions it will be a relief to the students, staff and parents too. These are the safe and unsafe areas that I feel considering my school and its surroundings. Â   Â  

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Settings Essay

1.Identify the different reasons why people communicate (1.1.1) People communicate in many different ways often to share information, emotions, thoughts and feelings. People also communicate to learn by asking for information and instructions such as how to do a certain task or asking someone for directions. People will often share emotion through communication like how they are feeling at the time or telling them about a recent life event. People communicate about thoughts and suggestions. Communication can be used to share reassurance and to understand and to be understood. People make, build and sustain relationships through communication. People share knowledge and receive knowledge through communication. 2.Explain how communication affects relationships in an adult social care setting (1.1.2) Communication can build, sustain and effect relationships in an adult social care setting. Communication can develop relationships and build confidence with adults in social care settings. It can be used to give advice, help, information and instructions to help individuals, staff and family members. Communication is used to benefit relationships and maintain safety and consistency. 3.Compare ways to establish the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of an individual (2.2.1) Communication can be established specifically for an individual by directly talking with that individual. Receiving clear and correct information from that individual. Information is sometimes available for certain individuals on how to communicate with them. For instance someone who was hard of hearing may want you to communicate slowly and clearly for that individual to be able to lip read what you are saying or by sign language, communication through the hands. Individuals that are in a care setting would have care notes and support plans which would have detailed information on how to communicate with that person. Communication can be gained by an individual’s body language, people study other people’s body language and can gain information about how that particular individual is feeling, their specific needs and any help that individual may require. Some individuals may not be able to give communication clearly and verbally so may only communicate using their body, stance and posture. You can gain information about an individual’s needs, wishes and preferences through colleagues, key people and people who know the individual best. 4.Describe the factors to consider when promoting effective communication (2.2.2) Factors to consider when promoting effective communication are dependent on situation, individual and circumstances. When promoting effective communication you should always consider clear, correct and relative communication. Individual circumstances should always be taken into consideration also, am I communicating in the right tone of voice? Am I communicating in a way that the person I’m communicating with will understand? Am I communicating in the correct method? There are many factors to consider when promoting effective communication. Like not communicating in the same way to an adult as you would a child. Communicating in a more simple way so that the certain individual would understand, and not feel that you are communicating in a way that may come across as negative or derogatory. Communicating in a quieter tone of voice if communicating about a personal or sympathetic situation. 5.Describe a range of communication methods and styles to meet individual needs (2.2.3) Communication methods that can differ depending on individual needs are age. Am I talking to an adult or a child? You would communicate with a child in a different way to what you would an adult. If you spoke to an adult in the same way you did a child then that adult may feel like you are being disrespectful to them. Does the person I’m talking to have specific needs? Do they have learning difficulties? If they did you may have to talk in a slower and clearer manor to help them understand and to make sure they can take on all the information. Are they hard of hearing? Possibly talking louder and slowly? Talking directly to their face so the individual could read your lips, possibly using hands to sign or pointing to relative objects to help communication. Can the individual communicate verbally at all? If not then you may have to read their body language to gain a certain level of communication. The individual maybe making noise? Does the noise sound happy or distressful? Some individuals who cannot communicate verbally through speaking may make noise to signal to another person if they are upset or happy. If the person was laughing, high pitched or chuckling this would appear that the individual was happy whereas if the individual was making groaning, low and stressful noises this would appear that the individual is unhappy or agitated. Individuals who can’t use talking to communicate may be able to use pictures to communicate. They may be able to use a range of pictures to show emotions, feelings and needs. They may show a picture of food to signal they are hungry or a face to show the emotion or how they are feeling. 6.Explain why it is important to respond to an individual’s reactions when communicating (2.2.4) It is important to gauge an individual’s reactions at all times when communicating. This can be done by a person’s facial expressions. Does the individual seem shocked, upset or angry to what has been communicated? Does communication need to be done in a softer tone of voice or in a way that is more reassuring to that individual? Is the subject or matter that is being communicated about upsetting or making the individual unhappy? Possibly a change of subject might be more beneficial to the individuals mood or feelings. Does the individual appear confused? This maybe because the correct method of communication is not being used or isn’t in a way that the individual understands. Communication would break down if response wasn’t being met to an individual’s reactions. If communicating in a certain way kept making an individual upset or angry then that individual would simply stop communicating or become even angrier or upset which would break down relationships and communication. An individual who appeared to be in a low or sad mood may react well to reassurance, sympathy or a compliment. Whereas negative communication would only worsen that individuals mood and again would break down communication and relations. Reaction is key to when we are communicating. 7.Explain how individuals from different backgrounds may use, or interpret communication methods in different ways (3.3.1) Indivduals from different backgrounds will use many different ways of communicating. An individual from a background of gangs may use slang and hand gestures as a way of communicating. To another individual from the same background this would be fine but for an individual from a entirely different background this may come across as rude and/or abrupt. Individuals may not talk/communicate in the same way to their friends as they would their boss or a work colleague. For example talking to a child you would use simple communication methods. If you were to use simple ways of communication with an adult this may come across as disrespectful and be taken the wrong way. Communicating with a loved one would be understanding, loving and respectful however if you adopted this same communication method with a member of the public or someone that you weren’t familiar with may seem quite odd and strange. 8.Identify barriers to effective communication (3.3.2) Barriers to effective communication may be the use of jargon, unfamiliar or over complicated terms and emotional barriers. Lack of attention and interest can often be a barrier of communication also. Physical disabilities can also be a barrier when communicating such as hearing problems or speech difficulties. Sometimes language barriers or a difference in accents can pose as a barrier of communication. Expectations can lead to false assumptions or stereotyping which may then become a barrier to communication. Cultural differences can sometimes become a barrier when communicating. Different cultures have many different ways of communicating as do cultures have many varied ways of showing emotions and feelings. 9.Explain how to overcome barriers to communication (3.3.3) Overcoming barriers in communication requires assessing the barriers that need overcoming. Communication should always be in a clear and easy to understand form. Clear and simple terms should always be promoted when communicating. Use of slang and words that are dependent on an individual’s background should be avoided. Concentration should always be with whom you are communicating with, communication that is not concentrated on can often be confused or misunderstood. Different opinions and views should always be respected when communicating also. Not respecting people’s views an opinions will be a major barrier to communication and one that won’t be overcome until all views are understood and respected. 10.Describe strategies that can be used to clarify misunderstandings (3.3.4) Misunderstandings can often arise whilst communicating. Sometimes the message needs to be said or prevailed in a different way. Perhaps the tone needs to change, or the messages style. The language you have used may need to be simplified. Maybe a phone conversation has been unsatisfactory in some way, but a face to face meeting would help to establish better communication. It may be necessary to change the situation and or environment. Maybe a noisy environment has caused misunderstanding maybe somewhere quieter would establish better communication. In certain circumstances it is ok to ask if you have been understood, or to relay communication to certify that you have understood the message that is being communicated. Sometimes when communicating by phone people will ask one and other â€Å"Can you hear me ok?† this will often prevent misunderstandings before they occur by establishing that both parties can communicate clearly. Allowing time for communication can also clarify misunderstandings. Much communication is done whilst we are busy or engaging in other things. To make sure communication has been received and understood it should be allowed time and concentration. Sometimes it is important to take responsibility for a misunderstanding and say you are sorry. An apology can help to restore confidence and allow for the relationship to continue building on a firmer foundation. 11.Explain how to access extra support or services to enable individuals to communicate effectively (3.3.5) Support is available via local authorities and services, such as the NHS and adult social services departments. Help is also available from national charities, such the National Autistic Society for those with autism. These can be accessed by phone or internet. Services such as Makaton are also available; Makaton is a system that uses signs and symbols alongside speech to help people with learning and/or communication difficulties to communicate. Makaton is taught to individuals with learning and/or communication difficulties as an effective way of communication. Speech and language therapists often known as SLT’s can often assess speech and communication difficulties in people of all ages. SLT’s can mainly be accessed through an individual’s GP. 12.Explain the meaning of the term ‘confidentiality’ (4.4.1) Confidentiality is a requirement to keep personal information private and only share it with people who need to know. Information that is spoken, written and electronically kept about individuals maybe needed to be kept confidential and only shared with certain people. 13.Describe ways to maintain confidentiality in day-to-day communication (4.4.2) Confidentially can be maintained on a day to day basis by only speaking about certain information with certain people. For example an individual’s information may be spoken with to a GP or family member. Confidentiality can also be maintained by making sure access to electronic information is only accessible by certain people. A way to maintain this is by keeping computer passwords safe and computers locked and only sharing passwords with people who should be allowed to see this information. Sharing confidential information should always be done in a private environment where the information will not be overheard or interrupted. Records such as personal notes, reports and letters should always be kept in a safe locked place and keys should never be left unattended. Confidential matters are generally not talked about over the telephone unless the person can be positively identified. Confidential information should never be left in an answerphone message as this is left in an un safe way which is easy for the wrong person to hear. 14.Describe the potential tension between maintaining an individual’s confidentiality and disclosing concerns to agreed others (4.4.3) Sometimes information that is asked to be or normally confidential needs to be shared with others when there is a concern for that persons welfare and/or safety this can cause tension because the information may have been shared trustingly and have been requested not to be shared but it has to be disclosed because there is a risk to that person’s safety. 15.Explain how and when to seek advice about confidentiality (4.4.4) You can seek advice from your manager about confidentiality. You would do this when you are unsure about anything to do with confidentiality for example if you thought someone was talking to the wrong people about confidential matters that should not be being discussed or weather you were unsure that talking to someone about a certain situation would break an individual’s confidentiality. Read more:  Describe Strategies to Clarify Misunderstandings

Friday, September 27, 2019

Acquisition Reform Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Acquisition Reform - Research Paper Example The military’s economic dependency is depicted in the budget allocation and on other aspects like military logistical acquisition. Based on these facts, the US government has seen the need to blend these two sectors together to harmonize their dependency on each other. This led to the formulation of the acquisition reform program (Hanks, 2005, p.234). Acquisition reform is an exercise meant to integrate the United States military with the civil business practices. The US department of defense acknowledged the need to integrate the civil industrial sector with the military. The economical production of the US had direct relations with the military in terms of logistics production and supply. From the late 1980’s through 1990’s to the present times, the US department of defense has undertaken numerous exercises meant to develop an optimal program to integrate these two sectors. The goals of the reform exercise are aimed at streamlining the performance of the US military by initiating close relationship between the civil logistics producers and the defense department. This exercise has presented numerous challenges to the main corridors of US power, especially the Pentagon, on how to carry out the optimal reform actions effectively. This led to the enactment of the Acquisition reform Act in 2009 by the US congress. The need to integrate the Defense department with the business sector arose after a consideration of how to respond effectively to the US military requirements. This underlying principle led to the initiation of objective research meant to formulate the projects deliverables. These deliverables were to provide an insight into the objective purpose of the acquisition reform process. The main objective of the reform exercise is for the civil economic sector to respond efficiently to the military needs. Based on this goal, the project designers saw the need of

Qualities of a good teacher Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Qualities of a good teacher - Essay Example Effective teachers have the urge to succeed. They remain determined that their students receives utmost educational needs. Their determination brings out the best of their weak students while maintaining and building on the talents and abilities of others. Dedication remains as the fundamental tool to success. An effective teacher have the dedication and commitment to achieve excellence in his work. The effective teacher dedicates most of his or her time solving students’ challenges and providing them with amicable alternative solutions. It is imperative to understand that effective teaching requires creativity skills. Creative skills in teaching would enable a good teacher to design effective concepts and lesson plans that remains unique and dynamic to their students. The teacher recognizes difference in learning capacity of his or her students and design new methods that would best accommodate them (Walker 9). Effective teachers have the personality of being accommodative and cooperative. Cooperation in teaching is essential in building an effective relationship between the teacher and student. Such relationship helps in building the learners’ confidence. Therefore, an effective teacher do not only accommodate his or her students’ thoughts but also cooperate with them and other stakeholders of education sector. In conclusion, effective teaching requires comprehensive training that would ensure that teachers have the urge and passion in their job. It is important that an effective teacher would observe the ethical standards and inherent regulations within education sector. Therefore, effective teaching does not only involve teacher-student relationship, but also effectual relation with other education stakeholders including school administration and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Will hourly hourly rounds decrease patient falls Research Paper

Will hourly hourly rounds decrease patient falls - Research Paper Example The sample size, instruments and the data collection methods used in all the researches is different and variable. Conceptual framework: first the patient falls in a hospital is tested then the hourly rounds system is incorporated and then again the patients falls after implementing the system is checked and its effect on the patient as well as the nurses is concluded. Research Reports: A study conducted at Crestwood Medical Centre in Huntsville in Alabama reports a high decrease in patient falls after the hourly round system was adopted by the nurses. Hourly rounds instituted in October 2007 were designed to reduce the number of patient falls. â€Å"The initiative, which was designed to reduce common problems associated with hospital stays, has resulted in a 58 percent decline in accidental patient falls and a 39 percent decline in bedsores† (Krischke, 2011, para. 2). When a nurse makes a round, then she makes it a point to check with the patients whether they need help for going to the washroom, or whether they need to change position etc. Nurses also enquire about the patients’ pain and to put in place their possessions like emergency bells or calling bells, water etc which have to be kept near the bed. This will help in avoiding unassisted moves, which may entail falls and obviate the necessity for unnecessary moves. A study conducted in the surgery and the oncology departments of San Francisco General Hospital between the months of June to August 2009 reveals that there were 50% decrease in patient falls in the hospital after implementing hourly rounds system by nurses. Hourly rounds are also necessary in intensive care units (ICU) and these will provide the patients and their relatives immense satisfaction about the patient care being provided by a hospital. Besides, there is ample evidence to suggest that the practice of hourly rounds by nurses is an effective â€Å"intervention that can be implemented to reduce the number of patient falls† (RN &

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Great Creations Organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Great Creations Organization - Essay Example As a small NGO, GCO have a capacity to move extremely quickly as circumstances changes. Decisions do not need to go through vetting processes and large bureaucracies but could be made right at such an executive meeting. GCO could therefore keep abreast of changing needs and adapt the programs as needed which only call for more meetings (Aras & Crowther, 2010).B)Â  An involved and active membershipThere is a tendency of smaller NGOs like GCO fearing to be swallowed because government funders find it easier to deal with fewer service providers. But GCO is well established and therefore an involved membership including the interested shareholders should be used. These will include volunteers and community development approaches.C)Â  Collaborate strategicallyThere are other smaller NGOs dealing with the same provisions as GCO and therefore collaborating with them in learning, opening of social media networks to get to the affected areas and develop a partnered IT strategy (Winsemius & Guntram, 2002).D)Â  SpecializationUnlike larger organizations, GCO cannot provide multifaceted services effectively and therefore should only specialize on what it does well and perfect it.E)Â  Maintaining good relationships with funding bodiesThe relevant government departments and the other funders have continually issued complaints to GCO about this or that. It is critical that these key contacts are maintained which would include courtesy calls (Fitzduff & Church, 2004).F)Â  Educational Institutions

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Valuation Methods of Collateralized mortgage obligations Dissertation

Valuation Methods of Collateralized mortgage obligations - Dissertation Example ted For Research Study 55 Data Analysis 57 Data Analysis Technique 57 Appropriateness of data analysis technique 59 Description on Questionnaire Formulation 61 Findings of the Research (CMO Valuation Model) 62 Reliability on the Data 62 Chapter Summary 63 Chapter Four: Methods 64 Introduction 64 Research Method 64 Research Design 66 Population and Sample 67 Sampling and Sampling Technique 67 Research Instrument 68 Primary Data Collection 69 Secondary Data Collection 70 Ethical Issues 71 Chapter Five: Findings 72 Introduction 72 Overview of the Study 72 Findings 72 Research Question One 73 Degree of relationship between the yield of FNMA-supported tranches and return on the US treasury bonds 73 Effect of Projected and Market Consensus on Subprime MSRs 76 Research Question Two 77 Relationship between the yields of FNMA-supported tranches and the assumption of the prepayment speed 77 Factors influencing the term structure of interest rate 79 Review on Subprime Meltdown 80 Research Quest ion Three 80 Fundamentals of CMO valuation identified through secondary data collection 81 Research Question 4 91 Quantitative representation of the MSR Price Impact 91 Component MSR Price Impact: 91 Total MSR Price Impact: 91 Impact on Sample Residual Interest is More Significant: 92 Fixed-rate mortgage valuation methodologies 93 Benchmark method 93 Rapid approximation method 96 Rational valuation approach 97 References 98 Dedication Acknowledgments Abstract Chapter One: Introduction This proposed quantitative descriptive research study discusses the various valuation methodologies of prepayment speeds with Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMO) tranches and analyzing how the prevalent valuation methods are useful in current complex economic scenarios. The objective of this study is primarily to examine the applicability of various methods of valuation for pricing the CMOs so as to determine their validity in the present economic conditions. Chapter 1 provides a broad overview o f the various facets with respect to the valuation of the prepayment speeds within CMO tranches. Collateralized Mortgage Obligations are derivative debt instruments that can be aptly defined as the claim that arises out of cash flows from large pools of home mortgages. The structure of CMO is such that once the principal and interest received from the mortgage holders it is distributed to tranches. The principal amount, the coupon rate, the prepayment risk and the maturity date differ among the tranches (Economy Watch, n. d.). CMOs are derivative debt instruments providing both retail and institutional investors the possibility of higher yields with a Standard & Poors AA

Monday, September 23, 2019

Film review 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Film review 2 - Essay Example All of the characters have been showed struggling with their difficulties; a reality which can be seen in our daily day-to-day lives. It is evident to see white characters being more privileged and black characters being more suppressed. Jean and Rick Cabot being the privileged white people have appeared as confident, financially sound and powerful people who belonged to elite class of the society. On the other hand, Peter and Anthony appear as the suppressed, filled with hatred and struggling characters who have their hearts filled with hatred infused in them by the treatment they have received from the white people. The sight of Peter and Anthony scares Jean. To overcome her fear, she grabs tightly the arm of her husband that ultimately offends the black young men and as a result, they steal their car. Haggis has well portrayed the sense of insecurity felt by Jean in this scene. He has tried his best to demonstrate the racism and the common thought that how white people perceive bl acks. This scene not only approves the racism but the also the truth that why white people fear the blacks. People in America closely associate violence and cruelty with African-American community which is a true fact. On the other hand, Jean’s behaviour can be associated with prejudice she had for African-Americans and seeing that her car has been taken away on the gun point by the blacks; she confirms that her reaction against those people was right (Ray, 2007). The fight between the privileged characters and oppressed ones are clearly highlighted in the movie. Some characters have been shown struggling to meet their day-to-day necessities while some are shown enjoying the greater benefits; hence, giving rise to social rift and racism in the American society. Waking Up Phase in the End of Movie: Anthony being the victim of racism and discrimination extends his help to the Chinese people who were locked in the van. His action was to free them from the tyranny and suppression he had faced earlier. Anthony was the main character who was waking up to the liberation by extending his help to other people belonging to different race and ethnicity. He has tried to overcome the suppression he had to face in terms of Jean’s behaviour and his reaction he showed to her and her husband. But my helping the locked Chinese people, he has been shown as a person who stands more on his moral ground and confirms himself as a person with an enlightened soul. It can be concluded from the last scene that racism can be alleviated from the society. Anthony was going through the process of defence mechanism especially reaction formation, dissociation and displacement which holds a greater message for the audience and a lesson for the society to address the issue of racism by overcoming their internal grudges and shallows in personality. Analyzing the Movie on Personal Experiences: Crash revolves around the bitter realities of life. It shows how the life is and how we ex perience difference problems in our day to day life. The movie typically revolves around racism and social discrimination against minorities. Crash highlights the bitter truths. From the different scenes of the movie, I observed that none of the white characters of the movie were shown struggling with their finances; they were showed on good positions, enjoying all the benefits without worrying about managing their finances. However, on the other hand, black

Sunday, September 22, 2019

On issue of reconstruction of Iraq after war Essay Example for Free

On issue of reconstruction of Iraq after war Essay One year after the war on Iraq was launched; the promise of improved human rights for Iraqi citizens remain far from realized, concludes a new report by Amnesty International. Twelve months on from the invasion of Iraq by the US-led coalition, the Iraqi people still suffer from serious human rights violations. The past year has seen scores of unarmed people killed due to excessive or unnecessary use of lethal force by Coalition forces during public demonstrations, at check points and in house raids. Thousands of people have been detained, often under harsh conditions, and subjected to prolonged and often unacknowledged detention. Many have been tortured or ill-treated and some have died in custody. Violence is endemic, whether in the form of attacks by armed groups or abuses by the occupying forces. Millions of people have suffered the consequences of destroyed or looted infrastructure, mass unemployment and uncertainty about their future. There is little or no confidence that all those responsible for human rights abuses, both past and present, will be brought to justice. After a year of war, lawlessness, spiralling violence and economic hardship, Iraqis face an uncertain future. For the next year to be better than the last, the occupying forces, Iraqi political and religious leaders and the international community must make a real commitment to protecting and promoting human rights in Iraq. A year after the war began Iraqi civilians are still being killed every day. Over 10,000 Iraqi civilians are estimated to have been killed since 18 March 2003 as a direct result of the military intervention in Iraq, either during the war or during the subsequent occupation. The figure is an estimate as the authorities are unwilling or unable to catalogue killings. Scores of civilians have been killed apparently as a result of excessive use of force by US troops, or have been shot dead in disputed circumstances. No US soldier has been prosecuted for illegally killing an Iraqi civilian. Iraqi courts, because of an order issued by the US-led authority in Baghdad in June 2003, are forbidden from hearing cases against US soldiers or any other foreign troops or foreign officials in Iraq. In effect, US soldiers are operating with total impunity. Iraqi civilians have also faced danger in the form of attacks, apparently carried out by armed groups that have been a growing feature of life in Iraq since the occupation began. The attacks have targeted the US military, Iraqi security personnel, Iraqi-controlled police stations, religious leaders and buildings, media workers, non-governmental organizations and UN agencies. They have resulted in the deaths of at least hundreds of civilians. To the extent that these bombings are part of a widespread or systematic attack on the civilian population of Iraq in furtherance of an organizations policy, they would constitute crimes against humanity. The lack of law and order continues to be a major concern in many areas of Iraq. Ensuring justice is fundamental for the countless victims of human rights violations in Iraq. Iraqis have suffered decades of grave violations by their government as well as abuses committed during the course of several conflicts, including the recent war and its aftermath. Fundamental changes to Iraq’s legal, judicial and penal systems are needed. Human rights must be at the centre of all efforts to rebuild and reconstruct Iraq. A failure to fully protect human rights in the process of change would be a betrayal of the Iraqi people, who have suffered so much in the past. CURRENT RECONSTRUCTION MOVEMENT The hopes to American and British plans of reconstruction of Iraq have cast serious doubts whether it will serve the rights of the Iraqis or the economic ends of US and UK. George Bush and company having a clear idea of the destruction they will unleash on the Iraqi people is beyond doubt. However, that does not deter them from following this disastrous course of action. The US government is prepared to spend around $12bn on attacking Iraq. So far it has only offered $65 million to provide them with the basics of life. This $65 million is expected to last less than 6 months but that is all right according to the calculations of the Bush administration. By then, the world media would have moved on to some new crisis, just as Afghanistan is now relegated to the inner most pages of newspapers. This $65 million should help contain the misery of the Iraqi people within some parameters for the brief period of time that they expect the world to pay attention to Iraq. The real â€Å"reconstruction† of Iraq has the US and UK, along with their cronies, salivating. In the name of reconstruction they will receive lucrative contracts for their respective private sectors. In the case of Iraq, the oil company Halliburton, which incidentally was headed by US Vice President Dick Cheney between 1995-2000, has already been awarded a multi-million dollar contract to clean up the Iraqi oilfields after the devastation of war, especially if a retreating Iraqi army puts them to fire. Other American and British oil companies are likely to exert complete control of Iraqi oilfields. Since the market for oil is relatively price-inelastic, and does not lend itself well to brand differentiation, control of supplies is everything in this industry. The prizes dont come any bigger than the Iraqi oilfields. Other equally substantial payoffs await these companies in the future. For instance, apart from the immediate profits and control of natural resources, first mover advantages in these markets are bound to be enormous. As Steven Schooner, a George Washington University law professor maintains the most sophisticated firms that come in first, and establish good will with the locals obviously will reap huge benefits down the road. These are going to become brand names in Iraq.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Night in New York City Essay Example for Free

A Night in New York City Essay On a late Saturday evening I was studying continuously when suddenly I heard a monotonous and awful scream which made me run out of the house immediately. When I reached outside I could not believe what I had seen. A two-storey and turquoise coloured house had caught on fire. People were rushing in and out of their square shaped houses bringing huge and heavy buckets of water trying to extinguish the ravaging and terrible fire. I was behind the crowd panicking, trembling and feeling afraid looking at the horrible and awful sight. The three people, the father, the mother and their daughter were trapped in the house screaming and crying continuously in pain and anger. Some people tried throwing big heaps of blankets to cover the fire but it was of no use. Instead the fire was increasing dreadfully. Others tried saving the helpless people from the burning house but did not succeed and received minor burns. I ran in the house, picked up the phone and called the fire brigade as quick as possible. I then ran outside and started helping the people who tried to keep the fire in control. In about five minutes the fire brigades had arrived showering loads of water on the house making all of us wet. The fire had extinguished and the people were saved but received second degree burns. They were rushed to the hospital immediately in a red and white ambulance. Everyone was relieved and really tired so they all returned to their respected houses peacefully. Only one thing was bothering us a lot, and that was as to how the fire had started.

Friday, September 20, 2019

History of the English Language Development

History of the English Language Development What differs us humans from animals is the fact that humans have abilities to manipulate things that happen in daily life. Humans are able to think whether a certain action can cause good or harm to themselves or people around them. Another essential difference that distinguishes humans and animals is the language used in communication. It is language, other than anything else that differs humankinds from fellow earthlings. It is a fact that other animals do communicate with each other, in many various ways, for example, warning for enemies or danger, calling for mating, or other various screams of cries to deliver their anger, fear or pleasure (Barber, 1993). However, these various calls of communication for their species differ from the uniqueness of the human language. Barber also states that a human language is a highly elaborated signalling system, a social tool, which uses vocal sounds. Languages are used verbally and in writings. From the history, language is learned spoken fi rst, while written language is secondary. According to Crystal (2016), a language dies when it is not spoken or used anymore. Holmes (1992) states that language dies when all of its speakers die. However, when the speakers of a language shifts to use another language, the phenomena is called language shifts. Every language changes, even though the levels of the changes vary from time to time, which is why it is somewhat hard to be read or understood the language that is from the early years. An example could be taken from Barbers The English Language: A Historical Introduction (1993), English people find it hard to comprehend an English document from the year 1300, where it is only possible for them to understand if they have some special training. Documents in 900 look like a foreign language text to them, as it looks like it has no connection to Standard English. There are three recognized periods in the development of the English language where the first period, dated from 450 to 1150 is known as Old English. According to Baugh and Cable (1993), this period is described as full inflections, where the endings of the noun, the adjective, and the verb are preserved more or less impaired. The next period starts from 1150 to 1500, is the Middle English period, or known as the period of levelled inflections, which started at the end of the Old English period, and the inflections during that period is said to be significantly levelled down. The last period, which is up until now is called as the Modern English period, which started since 1500. This period is also described as the period of loss inflections where the inflections in the language are completely vanished. The Middle English period, as stated by Baugh and Cable, is the period of a great change, where the language changes that happened during the period are more extensive and fundamental in comparison to the changes in the language that took place in Old English and Modern English period. Every language changes from time to time, it is the matter of the amount of changes that occur in the language. The major causes of the language changes were obviously because of the track of time, and contact, even though the changes and processes in the Middle English period that associates with the language contact are various (Penhallurick, 2010). The Norman invasion to England in 1066 is one of the main causes that brought changes in the language from Old English to Middle English as they brought French into the land. Their invasion to England naturally had a significant effect on Englands institutions and its languages. The language changes that were brought from the French during their arrival were already existed in the Old English. They were speaking in French but somehow influenced by the Germanic dialect. The dialect is called Norman French. According to (Virtual Medieval Church and Its Writings, 2003), this situation leads to the citizens speak the English language, whilst the Normans speak Norman French. In time, the two languages started to mix together which then brings the existence of the Middle English. Around ten thousand French words were brought into English by the thirteenth century. Most of these French loans still exist in the English language today. According to (Oxford English Dictionary, 2016), Middle English, based on the external history, is trapped at its beginning by the consequences of the settlements of the Norman Conquest in 1066, and its end by the arrival of the printing documents by William Caxton in 1476, in Britain and by the important social and cultural impacts of the English Reformation (from the 1530s onwards) and of the ideas of the continental Renaissance. The change from Old English to Middle English seemed to look a bit rapid by the rising of new spelling inventions by the Normans. The language used during that time, which is the West Saxon, was no longer used, due to the social and political disruption by the Norman Conquest. The changes that they brought include changes in the spelling where they used the spellings that matched more to the way they pronounce it in their spoken dialect. In addition, the scribes occasionally changed the spelling of the words they were copying to their own dialectal pronunci ation, when they see if any did not match theirs. The Normans disapprove the traditional English spelling, therefore they spelt the language as how they heard it, which is using the conventions of Norman French. Both Barber (1993) and Freeborn (1992) mentioned these facts in their books. Examples of the changes made by the Normans could be taken from (Virtual Medieval Church and Its Writings, 2003), such as qu for cw (queen for cwen).The scribes also introduced gh (instead of h) in such words as night and enough, and ch (instead of c) in such words as church. Another change introduced was ou for u (as in house). Yet one more change was the use of c before e (instead of s) in such words as cercle (circle) and cell. The loss of inflections in the Middle English period also include the reduced amount in nouns, pronouns and adjectives. The Peterborough Chronicle, a medieval text written at Peterborough Abbey during the Old English period, where the continuations of the chronicle then shows the Middle English characteristics in the script even though in some ways the characteristics of the Old English still continues.ÂÂ   Penhallurick (2010) mentions that the Normans are obviously the ones responsible for the mixings of French and Middle English, that they brought the scribes who are French-trained into England after their conquest. Three sources were affecting the changes in the Middle English and the changes can be seen from the Peterborough Chronicle where a significant number of new words are drawn upon the Norse, Latin and French. This shows that not only French caused the Middle English, but also the Norse and the Latins. The Norsemen brought in their words into Middle English which include grammar words oc but, um about, through, and til until, to. These are the effects of the contact between the English and the Norsemen during the 9th, 10th and 11th centuries, which is also a significant change of characteristic of Middle English. Borrowing or loanwords are the terms used for this situation where words which originated from a certain language is brought into another language and is used in the language. During the settlement of the Vikings in England, many Old Norse words were brought into Old English. Examples from Penhallurick (2010), nouns such as birth, husband, leg, skirt and sky, and verbs like to call, die, give, nag, take, and thrust. As stated by Baugh and Cable (2002), 900 loanwords from the Scandinavian that are still survived and in use in the modern standard English these days, but many other words also still survived but instead in the dialects of the former Danelaw, words like beck st eam, dag to drizzle, and laik to play. Sisam (1975) mentions that the Norse words must have come into English even before the Middle English period, because the settlements of the Vikings stopped after the Norman Conquest. Sisam also states that it is not always easy to differentiate the Norse and the Middle English as both of the languages have many similarities during the borrowing period, and also the Norse words are borrowed quite early to be affected by Middle English. The language influence from the Latins started during the early days of English. When the Germanic tribe started English, they had already been in contact with the Romans in the continental Europe, which was when the Germanic tribes very beginning of their settlements in the British Isles. Many Latin words were borrowed into the tribes language during their settlement in the British Isles, where they borrowed from Britishs Celtic speaking people, which they got from the Romans. Latin during that time was the language of the Christian church, which marked the Englands conversion to Christianity.ÂÂ   This correlates with Sisams (1975) statement where there were few direct borrowings from Latin and most of it are taken from the technical language of church. Penhallurick (2010) states that the practice of writing documents in Latin during that time was somewhat usual and was joined by many of the Norman scribes, which gave the borrowings from Latin a new motivation during the early Middle English period. Not only Old Norse and Latin words that were noted in the continuations of the Peterborough chronicle, but also new loan words from French, although there were only small number of it in the continuation. As an example, from Penhallurick (2010), duc duke, and pasches pasch, easter, including some loan words that were not only new additions to language but also eventually replaced present English words during that time, for example tresor treasure, and pais peace. This language development, the emerge of the French loans can be best described as started from very few words to over 10000 French words were borrowed during the end of the Middle English period. The total number of words borrowed is extraordinary considering that the total amount of Old English words were only 24000 approximately. From the Peterborough Chronicle examples, the French loans can be divided into two general types, which is either the new words are just new members of the English language which has new concepts or definitions, or new words that have the same definitions to an existing word in the native language. The effects of this duplication could lead to either the loss of one of the words between the languages (usually the English word), or there could be the development in differentiation in meaning between the words. Penhallurick (2010) gives an example, OE leod was pushed out altogether by French-derived people, whereas English might survives beside French-derived power, kingly beside royal, and wish beside desire. It is the royal family, never the kingly family and genies grant three wishes, rather than three desires. Sisam (1975) compares French with Norse, where he states that French language had little common with English, not like the Scandinavians, which brings to why the amount of French words used in the English texts is lesser in comparison to Old Norse and Latin, before the late thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. French continued to be the official language of England until the mid of fourteenth century, the years after, English became the language of instructions, and became the official language of legal records or events, where later at the end of fourteenth century, everyone spoke English. When the London dialect emerged, it became the standard spoken and written language. During the end of 1500, English language has reached the language that is similar to as what is used today, which shows that Modern English started being used around that time. The arrival of printing press set up, invented by William Caxton in 1476 marked the starting of the end of the Middle English (Freeborn, 1992). If the Norman Conquest marked the start of the changes in the Middle English, William Caxton did the same for the start of the Modern English. Caxton is recognized for the arrival of printing in England through his work and a standard for the English language. His contribution brings us to the early perio d of the Modern English (Weiner, 2013). References Barber, C., Beal, J. and Shaw, P. (2013). The English language. 1st ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Baugh, A. and Cable, T. (2013). A history of the English language. 1st ed. London: Routledge. (2003). The Making of Middle English. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Mar. 2017]. Crystal, D. (2016). English as a global language. 1st ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Freeborn, D. (1992). From Old English to standard English. 1st ed. York: Freeborn. Graddol, D., Leith, D. and Swann, J. (1996). English. 1st ed. Milton Keynes [England]: Open University. Holmes, J. (2013). An introduction to sociolinguistics. 1st ed. Harlow: Pearson. Oxford English Dictionary. (2016). Middle English-an overview Oxford English Dictionary. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Mar. 2017]. Penhallurick, R. (2010). Studying the English language. 1st ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Sisam, K. (1975). Fourteenth century verse and prose. Ed. by Kenneth Sisam. (Repr.). 1st ed. Oxford: Clarendon P XLVII.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Total Health :: essays research papers fc

Nutrition is the science that deals with food and how the body uses it. All living things need food to live. The food supplies energy, which people need to perform certain actions. Food also provides substances that the body needs to build and repair its tissues and to regulate its organs and organ systems. Food provides certain chemical substances needed in order for a person to maintain good health. These chemical substances are called nutrients. Nutrients can perform three important functions. They provide materials for building, repairing, or maintaining body tissues. They help regulate body processes. They serve as fuel to provide energy. The body needs energy to maintain all its functions. People who do not get enough nutrients are sometimes lazy and are unwilling to work. The foods we eat contain thousands of different chemicals. Our body, however, only needs only a few dozen of these chemicals in order to stay healthy. These are the nutrients that the body needs. Nutrients are divided into six main groups. They are (1)water, (2)carbohydrates, (3)fats, (4)proteins, (5)minerals, (6)vitamins. Water, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are called macronutrients. Since macro means large, the body needs these four nutrients in large amounts. Minerals and vitamins are called micronutrients (because micro means small). The body needs only small amounts of these nutrients. Water is the most important nutrient. Our bodies can survive without other nutrients for several weeks, but we can only go without water for about one week. Water is needed in great amounts because the body consists largely of water. Between 50 and 75 percent of a normal person's body weight is made up of water. The body needs water to carry out all of its life processes. Watery solutions help dissolve other nutrients and carry them to all of the tissues. The body also needs water to carry away waste products and to cool itself. Adults should drink about 2 1/2 quarts of water every day. The carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are needed because they have nutrients which provide energy. Carbohydrates include all sugars and starches. They are the main source of energy for living things. There are two types of carbohydrates, simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates include sugars and have a simple molecular structure. Complex carbohydrates include starches and have a larger and more complicated molecular structure. The structure consists of many simple carbohydrates linked together. Fats are a highly concentrated source of energy. All fats are composed of an alcohol called glycerol and substances called fatty acids. A fatty acid consists of a long chain of carbon atoms. There are three types of fatty acids.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Effect of the Normans on Middle English Essay -- Papers

Effect of the Normans on Middle English The year 1066 had a resounding impact on the course of English history. William the First, Duke of Normandy, conquered England and took it as a stronghold in his reign. The French rule over England lasted for several centuries and brought about innumerable changes to the English state, language, culture and lifestyle. William imported French rulers to take over English government and religious posts. The French were not only the new aristocracy in England, but the new society. The English amended their language and their culture in an effort to more resemble the French and to communicate with their new lords. The English language was more changed by the Norman Conquest than by any other event in the course of English history. Middle English is defined as the four hundred year period between the Norman Conquest and the time the printing press was introduced to England in 1476. This essay will explore the specific effects that the French had on Middle English morphology, phonology, syn tax, semantics and lexicon. During the period of French rule in England the standing of English as a valid language dropped substantially as French took over as the status language. Because so much of the French influence has been nativized by present-day speakers, many do not realize the impact that our language took in the years following 1066. Not one aspect of English life went untouched by the Norman presence in England, notably, its language. Phonology In addition to introducing new words into the English language, the Normans also introduced some new sounds. The English had previously had no phonemic distinction between /f/ and /v/; /v/ was merely an allophone of /f/ that occurred between vowels. Howeve... ...eculate what the English language might look like today if the Normans had never invaded Britain. However, suffice it to say, the present English language has been extensively enriched by the quantity of this foreign influence. Bibliography: Alexander, James W. William I, King of England, Grolier's Multimedia Encyclopedia, 1996. Burrow, J.A. and Thorlac Turnville-Petre. A Book of Middle English, Blackwell Publishers; Oxford. 1992. Fisiak, Jacek. A Short Grammar of Middle English, Oxford University Press; London, 1968. Millward, C.M. A Biography of the English Language, Harcourt Brace; Boston. 1996. Take Our Word For It, weekly online publication, available at Yerkes, David. English Language, Grolier's Multimedia Encyclopedia, 1996. Yerkes, David. Middle English, Grolier's Multimedia Encyclopedia, 1996.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Acc 400 Essay

Culotti’s Pizza operates strictly on a carryout basis. Customers pick up their orders at a counter where a clerk exchanges the pizza for cash. While at the counter, the customers can see other employees making the pizzas and the large ovens in which the pizzas are baked. Instructions: Identify the six principles of internal control and give and example of each principle that you might observe when picking up your pizza. (Note: It may not be possible to observe all principles.) The six principles of internal control are establishment of responsibility, Physical, mechanical, and electronic controls, segregation of duties, independent internal verification, documentation procedures, and other controls. 1.Establishment of responsibility: Establishment of responsibility depends on if one or more employees are receiving money from the customer. If this is the case it could cause an issue with the cash register coming up short. The manager would then have difficulty determining which individual is responsible for the shortage. 2.Physical, mechanical, and electronic controls: Physical controls pertain to safeguarding of assets, and records that help protect the company’s assets. Mechanical and Electronic controls safeguard assets and help intensify the accuracy of and responsibility of the records in accounting. Physical, Mechanical, and Electronic controls are imperative which include examples such as Safes, and safety deposit boxes, storage cabinets that are used for inventory and records, pass key access in companies, alarms, television monitors, and time clocks for recording of time. 3.Segregation of duties: Segregation of duties embodies the ideas that responsibility related activities should be delegated to different individuals and that record keeping for an asset should be kept separate from the physical custody of that same asset. When a customer walks into Culotti’s Pizza they can see employees making the pizzas in the oven area. The custody of the asset (in this case the pizza) is being kept separate from the front counter clerk. The front counter clerk stays out of the kitchen and is responsible for ringing up the sale in the register system (documenting the sale) and trading payment for the product. These are two duties that are within customer view that are kept segregat ed. 4.Independent Internal Verification: When walking in to pick up a pizza a  customer may see one employee on the cash register taking the cash from the customers to pay for the pizza. This employee is designated by the owner to maintain custody of the cash on hand. This internal control makes it easy for the owner to track down the person responsible if there are any discrepancies with the cash at the end of the day. A customer may also observe the employee when he or she is reading the register tape. This employee is verifying the transactions on the register tape with the cash that is in the drawer to make that each the amount of each transaction is accounted for by the cash that is in the drawer. 5.Documentation procedures: In the event of this story, there are no document procedures. 6.Other Controls: In consequence of employees handling the cash from the customers, each employee could be bonded, which allows insurance for the business due to the theft of the employees. Rotating the employees on the cash register at set times and making sure each closes their portion at the end of his or her shift. The procedure will allow the company to check each drawer and make sure it is correct. Finally, the company can do a background check on their employees. This information will provide the company with the information on potential employees and if he or she has ever been charged with a crime that relates to theft from another company. CHAPTER 7 PROBLEM SET B: P7-2B (PAGE 359) The board of trustees of a local church is concerned about the internal accounting controls pertaining to the offering collections made at weekly services. They ask you to serve on a three-person audit team with the internal auditor of the university and a CPA who has just joined the church. At a meeting of the audit team and the board of trustees you learn the following: 1. the church’s board of trustees has delegated responsibility for the financial management and audit of financial records to the finance committee. This group prepares the annual budget and approves major disbursements but is not involved in collections or record keeping. No audit has been made in recent years because the same trusted employee as kept church records and served as financial secretary for 15 years. The church does not carry any fidelity insurance. 2. The collection at the weekly service is taken by a team of ushers who volunteer to serve for 1 month. The ushers take the collection plates to a basement office at the rear of the  church. They hand their plates to the head usher and return to the church service. After all plates have been turned in, the head usher counts the cash received. They head usher then places the cash in the church safe along with a notation of the amount counted. The head usher volunteers to serve for 3 months. 3. The next morning the financial secretary opens the safe and recounts the collection. The secretary withholds $150-$200 in cash, depending on the cash expenditures expected for the week, and deposits the remainder of the collections in the bank. To facilitate the deposit, church members who contribute by check are asked to make their checks payable to â€Å"Cash†. 4. Each month the financial secretary reconciles the bank statement and submits a copy of the reconciliation to the board of trustees. The reconciliations have rarely contained any bank errors and have never shown any errors per book. Instructions: (a) Indicate the weakness in internal accounting control in the handling of collections. One weakness in the internal accounting control for handling collections includes the comprehensive use. In the event of internal audit control systems, they can be very broad in their application that creates a weaker audit control system (Vitez, O). A weakness in the handling of collections found could also be one since the cash is handled by multiple ushers and can become time consuming. This weakness also becomes difficult for management situations for the church members that attempt to maintain the proper business practices. The second weakness is the lack of knowledge that the individuals that handle and record the money have. If the ushers that count and record the money do not know how to properly record the fund this could lead to shortages. (b) List the improvements in internal control procedures that you plan to make at the next meeting of the audit team for (1) the ushers, (2) the hea d usher, (3) the financial secretary, and (4) the finance committee. The ushers will be on a rotation for a set amount of time so; every usher will at some point hold the responsibility of collecting the offering. A team of appointed ushers will take up the collection. The ushers will then take the collection to the back area of the church where the funds are counted. Once the money has been collected the ushers will then hand off the collection of funds to the head usher. The head usher will recount the funds received from the collection, and place the funds into the  church safe along with a total count of the funds that were collected. Improvements for the Financial Secretary: After re-counting the cash she should record how much was collected on an accounting record and record how much she kept on hand for that week and how much she deposited in the bank on this same record. Checks should be made payable to the name of the church for example â€Å"Saint Josephs or The First B aptist Church.† Improvements for the Finance Committee: The finance committee should have audits conducted at least once a year at random. The finance committee should run a background check on all members who handle cash. The finance committee should oversee the board of trustees and take final look at all financial records. The finance committee should get fidelity insurance. (c) What church policies should be changed to improve internal control? Audits should be done regularly to ensure the accuracy and that financial records are being completed ethically. I would suggest doing it on a quarterly basis. Additionally, the church should immediately obtain fidelity insurance. I see no problem with the monthly rotation of ushers who collect the donated funds; however they should stay in the basement office and serve as a witness to the counting of donated funds. The head usher should fill out a form stating how much has been received in cash and how much in check donations. The funds should then be placed in a sealed bag with the initials of those present written on the seal. Funds can continue to be placed in the church safe. The financial secretary needs to determine how much money is needed for the weekly expenditures and submit this amount along with the sealed bag of donations to the bank. She should then watch the bank verify the amount of cash and check donations in the sealed bag. The entire amount should be deposited and the financial secretary should then withdrawal the amount needed for the week either by withdrawal slip or check. Everything should be thoroughly documented in the bank’s financial records. Additionally, donations made in the bank form should never be written to cash but rather to the church itself to insure checks are going to the church and not for personal use. The financial secretary’s reconciled b ank statement should be reviewed thoroughly by another person before submittal to the board of trustees. REFERENCES: Kimmel, P. D., Weygandt, J. J., & Kieso, D. E. (2007). Financial accounting: Tools for business decision making (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Vietz, Osmond. Weaknesses in an Internal Audit Control System. (2012). Williams, J. R., Haka, S. F., & Bettner, M. S. (2005). Financial & managerial accounting: The basis for business decisions (13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Unit 2- the Developing Child

Unit 2 Assignment- The developing child D1 The expected social stage of social development for a 4 year old is that they are more aware to talk to knew people than when they were the age of 3; the children are more friendly and caring towards others. Children are a lot more confident in these ages. D2 The expected social stage of development for a 5 year old is, her or she is becoming very co-operative and engages in conversation. A 5 year old can speak clearly and use different connectives properly in a sentence. Children can also start to choose their own friends.By the end of age 5 children want to please friends, agree to rules and enjoy dancing and singing. D3, D4 One method of observation and recording social development of a child aged 5 could be ‘structured recording’. Structured recording is where you observe a child independently whilst they’re playing, learning, or participating in an activity and following their progress by following a basic tick/check list. It involves looking for particular skills or behaviour that they can either do or cannot. D5 Many factors may affect the way children express their social development.The factors could be, environmental risk factors such as living in an unsafe community, receiving care within a low-quality child care setting, lack of resources available in the community or lack of policies supporting children and families. D6 Snack and meal times can support social development in many ways, for example children learn how to co-operate with one another, they learn how to share with one another for example passing the food bowl around or taking turns, children can also make new friends by sitting near someone they don’t know and interacting with them.This is supporting the child to develop in their social skills. D7 Diversity is an understanding and excepting that all children are different. It is showing that everyone is diverse, and that everyone has different wants and needs. Inclusiv e practise is when all children, no matter how diverse, are included in the same activity and don’t get left out; however the practitioners help adjust activities to help meet the individual needs of others, whilst making them feel like they can do anything with another child no matter their ability.B1 As a practitioner, In order to help the child going through this transition you need to find out as much information as you can, you may do this via parents or career. To support the child through this transition make sure the child understands that everyone will go through the same changes, but that they happen earlier in some children and later in others. Encourage children to take part in regular physical or social activities and give them openings to discuss with you any worries or concerns. B2Collecting information be carrying out observations on children needs to be seen as the starting point rather than the end point. The next step is to evaluate the information although the way in which you might do this may vary. As a practitioner, you might evaluate the observations and a learning tool for your own professional development and feedback your thoughts to your supervisor. As a practitioner, observations might be evaluated so that information can be passed on to your parents and more importantly, so that you can plan more effectively for the child’s needs and interests.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Harvest of Empire by Juan Gonzalez

The book Harvest of Empire offers many examples of the factors leading to migration, which include economic and political persecution. The book has a direct connection between the hardships Latinos faced economically and military in their perspective countries. By reading this book it is clearly stated that Latinos are on the verge of becoming the largest minority group in America. Juan Gonzalez presents a devastating perspective on U. S. history rarely found in mainstream publishing aimed at a popular audience. Few of those countries were immigrants from Puerto Rico, Mexico, Dominican Republic and Central Americans.Gonzales develops his thesis by asserting that Latin American immigration and Latino presence in the United States are markedly different from European immigration history to this country in at least three main ways: Latino immigration is closely tied to the growth and needs of the U. S. empire; race and language attitudes in this country have had the effect of moving Lat in Americans not from immigrant to mainstream status, but rather from an immigrant to a racial caste status and how Latin Americans have arrived when the United States is already the dominant world power. Harvest of Empire† mentions how since the 1820’s Mexicans have migrated to the United States. They’re the second largest immigrant nationality in our history. Meixco is the most populous Spanish speaking country in the world. Most of the country’s wealth flows outside of Mexico, meaning the U. S. After the tragedy of World War II , the United States reached an agreement with Mexico to import Mexicans for a certain period of time and after their harvest was done they’ll go back to their country.This was the bracero program, which brought millions of immigrants into the United States only for seasonal work and once they were supposed to leave, they managed to stay illegally in order for them to provide to their families. World War II also made Mexica n Americans active in the U. S armed forces. â€Å"Santos Molina and Manuel Garza were two Canales family member who served in combat, in the same army so many of their ancestors had fought against.Nearly all his men were killed or wounded that day, and while Molina survived unscathed, he was severely wounded by machine gun fire later in Germany†. ( 103) Even after all this tragedy of people being killed Mexican Americans returned home and still faced racial discrimination. Tejano, Texans of Spanish and Mexican descent, formed several organizations in the early 20th century to protect themselves from official and private discrimination, but made only partial progress in addressing the worst forms of official ethnic discrimination.The movement to overturn the many forms of state-sponsored discrimination directed at Hispanic Americans was strongest in Texas during the first fifty years of the 20th century. It was just right after World War II that returning veterans joined the League of United Latin American citizens (LULAC) to end segregation. Their main goal was to have equal rights for Mexicans. â€Å"According to the U. S Census, tejanos comprised 32. 4 percent of the workers in the state and owned 33 percent of its wealth†. (102) Between 1961 and 1986 more than 400,000 people legally immigrated to the United States from the Dominican Republic. More than 300,000 Dominicans lived in New York City by 1990, and the total was expected to reach 700,000 early in the millennium, making Dominican migration one of the largest to this country of the past forty years†. (117) The causes of the Dominican immigration are various and have changed over time. the first significant immigration from the Dominican Republic to the United States was in large part the product of political and social instability at home.Those who opposed or had reason to fear the new regime in 1965 and those who were fleeing violence throughout the 1960s came to the United State s in notable numbers. As time went on, however, and the political situation stabilized, Dominicans continued to emigrate, because of limited employment opportunities and poor economic conditions. Through the 1930s, 40's and 50’s, the Dominican Republic was ruled by the former cattle rustler and now dictator, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina, better known in the United States as simply Trujillo. He surrounded himself with murderers who kept the public intimidated.The Dominicans who came at this time were usually more educated and more politically active. â€Å"One 1980 study revealed that 41 percent of New York City’s Dominican immigrants had completed ten years of high school or better, nearly twice the average of city dwellers in the Dominican Republic†. (125)Once they arrived, they started making their own business like owning their own bodegas and supermarkets. Most Dominicans work in nonunionized workplaces for wages that most â€Å"established† Americ ans would refuse. Many Dominicans have encountered race prejudice in the United States also.The mixed Afro-Hispanic heritage of many Dominicans has led them to be categorized as black by white Americans, they have encountered the same racial prejudice that African Americans have experienced for centuries. Despite the accusations by their compatriots that they have been assimilated into American culture, Dominicans have tended to be seen by Americans as especially resistant to assimilation and committed to their country, culture, and language of origin. Dominicans also joined political parties and even manage to start their own organization.Most Dominicans that arrived in the 1960’s began to settled themselves on the Upper West of Manhattan, Washington Heights. Dominican Americans are one of the newer national-cultural communities in the United States. They are still in process of creating a unique place for themselves here. Their relationships to the United States and its cul ture and to the Dominican Republic and Dominican culture are still evolving. However, the Dominican American community will find its own ways of living in the United States, and will make its own unique culture.Puerto Rico has been an unincorporated territory of the United States, they’re the onlyLatin Americans who once they arrived to the U. S they’re already U. S citizens, without the need of a resident card. The massive migration of Puerto Ricans to the United States was largest in the early and late 20th century. Between the 1950s and the 1980s, large numbers of Puerto Ricans migrated to New York, especially to the Bronx, and Spanish Harlem. Juan Gonzalez shares his story and the reason why his family and himself moved to the U.S and settled in â€Å"El Barrio† is due to the fact that jobs over there didn’t provide sufficient money to provide for his big family. â€Å"The 1930’s were the most turbulent in Puerto Rico’s modern history , and Ponce, where my family had settled, was the center of the storm. The Depression turned the island into a social inferno even more wretched than Haiti today†. (84) Meaning that they were facing hard times. There was a lot of violence and crime. By the 1960’s, more than a million Puerto Ricans were living in the United States with jobs like washing dishes in hotels, restaurants, maintenance in apartment buildings, factories or bodegas. 90) â€Å"The Puerto Rican community became dominated during the 1980’s by two different social classes, both highly dependent on government. † â€Å"Massive disinvestment by government in public schools and epidemics of drug and alcohol abuse, all tore up the quality of city life†. (95) They also faced identity and language problems. Juan Gonzalez throughout the whole book has a combination of historical analysis that led to immigration and racial discrimination.He describes in details the experiences of working c lass families from different countries like Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Central America and Dominicans and how they have approach to assimilate their new lifestyle once they get to the United States. The author gives out reasons of how immigrants really go through hardships in order to get to America and live â€Å"The American Dream†. Latinos don’t just come here to get on government programs like Section A, welfare, etc. They actually come here for a better prosperity for them and their families even though this may cause them to be far away from them.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Forced Marriage Essay

Forced marriage is a crime in Australia, and is punishable by up to seven years in prison. Under Commonwealth law a forced marriage is one where a person gets married without fully and freely consenting because they have been coerced, threatened or deceived. A person can be coerced through obvious means such as force, detention or duress, or through more subtle means like psychological oppression, abuse of power or taking advantage of the person’s vulnerability. The crime of forced marriage can apply: to all victims, regardless of their age or gender, to legally recognised marriages, as well as cultural and religious ceremonies and registered relationships, To marriages that occur in Australia (including where a person was brought to Australia to get married), as well as where a person is taken overseas to get married. Forced marriage is not limited to any particular cultural group, religion or ethnicity, and there are reports of forced marriage from all over the world. While the majority of reported victims are young women and girls, men and boys can also be victims of forced marriage. According to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, forced Marriage falls under article 16 – UDHR Article 16 states that 1. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. 2. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. 3. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State. Media Article one: Girl Kidnapped for Forced Marriage. Suffer Rising Crime in India Teenage girl, Rupsona was walking home from school when three men kidnapped her at knifepoint near her village in the Indian state of West Bengal. They forced her into a car and transported her across the country to a man who had paid $800 for a bride. Rupsona said she was forced to marry the man and abused by him for 14 months until she was  rescued. In India, cultural preferences for a son have helped fuel a growing gender divide, which has led to an increase in the number of women being kidnapped and forced into wedlock I choose this article to show a real life situation of forced marriage, and the harsh reality that it involves. Legal Responses. The Legal Responses to this issue involves amending the Commonwealth Criminal Code to recognise forced marriage as a serious form of exploitation and a crime. Under the Criminal Code, the forced marriage offences carry a maximum penalty of four years’ imprisonment, or seven years’ imprisonment for an aggravated offence. An offence may be aggravated in several circumstances—including where the victim is under the age of eighteen. *Arranged marriages are not captured by these offences In February 2013, the Australian Parliament passed the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Slavery, Slavery-like Conditions and People Trafficking) Act 2013 (Slavery Act), which then further amended the Commonwealth Criminal Code Act 1995 (Criminal Code) to recognise forced marriage as a serious form of exploitation and a crime. The Australian Government is actively working in consultation with stakeholders to improve community awareness on forced marriage issues. This includes developing a communications awareness strategy on human trafficking and slavery. As part of this strategy, the Australian Government will develop a series of awareness materials on early and forced marriage—including materials written in relevant community languages. The government is also working in line with community investors to raise awareness of forced marriage issues with religious and civil celebrants, migrant and legal resource centers, domestic violence services, child support agencies—as well as people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Article 23 of the ICCPR states that 1. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the state. 2. The right of men and women of marriageable age to marry and to found a family shall be  recognised. 3. No marriage shall be entered into without the free and full consent of the intending spouses. 4. States parties to the present covenant shall take appropriate steps to ensure equality of rights and responsibilities of spouses as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. In the case of dissolution, provision shall be made for the necessary protection of any children. Non-Legal Responses. Non-government organisations work to promote and enforce coverage of the forced marriage issue. For example NGO SACH (Struggle for Change) is an organisation, which run a major awareness campaign. They run workshops and create social justice for communities. The Forced Marriage Unit worked closely with NGOs (NGO SACH) and community groups to increase the protection and support available to victims of forced marriage. For example, in November NGO SACH provided funding for the development of a range of social media projects including web pages, text messaging and smartphone applications to raise awareness and support peer mentors. Evaluation of Legal and Non-Legal Responses. The responses to Forced Marriage are highly affective in some areas and are lacking effectiveness in others; meaning the responses have made forced marriage more of a known issue, but have not completely stopped the issue. It is evident in many other human right violation issues as well as forced marriage that just because the violation is illegal doesn’t completely abolish it from happening. The legal and Non-legal responses create highly accessible and understandable knowledge for the wider community creating the highly affective overall response. Without these responses forced marriage would not be an evident issue and it would be ignored, creating more human right breeches and an increase in un-wanted physical and pressured relationships. 1 in 9 girls are forced into a marriage by the age of 15. Media Article 2 – Too young to wed: Indian girls say no to forced marriage This Article refers to the breakthrough of children being pressured standing up for their rights. It explains Keshanta and Laali were 13 years old when their families pushed them together to get married. Laali Bairwa, 15, isn’t sure just yet what she wants to be when she grows up. But she, like her  classmates in a rural part of Jaipur in the Indian state of Rajasthan, is certain she doesn’t want to be a child bride. This article reflects education preventing the forced marriage. This article reflects the changing values and morals of society. I chose this article to show the effects of the legal and non-legal responses. Overall Effectiveness. Organisations of legal and non-legal responses work together unknowingly to create awareness of the Human Rights Violations. This further proves an effective response to the issues and supports an overall idea to prevent forced marriage in the future. Media Article 3 – Forced marriage ruins the lives of too many girls, so we’re working to end it This article doesn’t focus on a particular occurrence of forced marriage, rather it talks about the statistics and problems faced by each affected individual. Girls who are forced into marriage are often trapped in poverty with no means to lift themselves out. These girls are robbed of an education, vulnerable to death in childbirth and at a greater risk of domestic violence. The article states, â€Å"The good news is that some countries are making progress on reducing child marriage, but progress is slow. Ending child marriage will take time and requires unstinting commitment at community, national and international level. The UN is playing its part but we need others to join so that the rights of millions of girls are no longer violated.† I again chose this article to reflect the overall changes of societies views and reactions to forced marriage. The article shows that even though the issue of forced marriage is still occurring, the responses to the issue are growing in a much more positive way. Overall Conclusion: Forced marriage is evident within the world and in Australia. A marriage is seen as forced when there is undue pressure to wed causing psychological pressure. It is stated under the UDHR Article 16, which explains equal rights and consent of a marriage. There are many legal responses, which build together amendments, furthering the knowledge of forced marriage and stating it as a serious exploitation and crime. Legal Responses also fall under Article 23 of the ICCPR. Bibliography (Accessed 19th March 2014) (Accessed 19th March 2014) (Accessed 19th March 2014) (Accessed 19th March 2014) (Accessed 20th March 2014) (Accessed 20th March 2014)

Friday, September 13, 2019

A Cooperative Jute Mill In Assam Management Essay

A Cooperative Jute Mill In Assam Management Essay Assam Co-operative Jute Mills ltd. being in the cooperative is unique of its kind in the country. Though it has a glorious history it plunged into oblivion for running around one and a half decade due to its internal crisis. But with pressure from the public and the employees it was re-opened and since then it never looked back. Obviously the reasons behind the organization’s revival and sustenance are worth exploring. The study established the existence of Employee Commitment in the organization, which in turn was found to be related to organizational performance. The study also explored and revealed the reasons behind the lack of performance during certain periods. Key words: employee commitment, work involvement, organizational performance Introduction The Assam Co-operative Jute Mills Ltd. is situated on the south bank of the river Brahmaputra at Silghat in the Nagaon district of Assam. This is the only Jute Mill in the country in Co-operative Sector. It was registered in the year 1959 under the Assam Co-operative Societies Act and after much struggle it was commissioned in the year 1970 with the initial investment of around Rs. 150 lakhs. But the Mill after running for about 14 years in rough weather had to close down during March 1984 for about 2 years due to acute financial crisis and other infrastructural problems. Again, the Mill was re-opened on 1st January 1986 under public demand with the financial assistance from the Central Government as well as State Government. However, in spite of sufficient government assistance, financial depression developed again due to imbalance in the income and the expenditure. The mill experienced teething operational problems due to huge accumulation of unsettled liabilities, shortage of working capital etc. But, after continuous struggle and efforts, the Mill started improving its economy from the year 1992-93 and thereafter making progressive net profits. Now, the Mill is completely free from all loans and li abilities and achieved an economically viable position. The Mill is implementing the scheme for renovation/modernization of its plant and machinery from its own resources. Today it provides direct employment to about 800 men. The mill has institutionalized corporate governance and discipline in all aspects of its functioning. During the year 2007-08 the Mill achieved the highest ever turnover of Rs. 18.67 Crores and best ever profitability after tax of Rs. 1.83 Crores. Looking at the above background it ignited the researchers to find out as to what are the reasons that prompted the organization to revive. Why the employees wanted the organization to sustain and above all what made these people to stay in the organization inspite of not being paid highly. The findings could be important learning for replication in other sick organizations and cooperative sector units. Thus the study was carried out with the following objectives. i. To determine the level of employee commitment in AC JM. ii. To explore the relationship between â€Å"Employee commitment† and the â€Å"Organizational performance† in ACJM. Thus the study did not elaborately take into account other aspects of management. Method Sample included all executives and staff, and 50% of workers from each department (12 departments). The response rate of the former was 76% and that of the latter was 78%. Questionnaires and schedules were used to gather the primary data. An extensive study of the available secondary sources of data available in the organization was carried out.

Team meeting and thair role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Team meeting and thair role - Essay Example The process architecture, as described by Sammie, is where the direct invoice process precisely positioned. The direct invoicing process falls within its value chain. The modelling conventions was adopted and a justification for the choice given. Second, the business process modelling described in a structured manner, together with any of the assumptions related to the process modelled. The process models were presented in a direct invoicing process. It comprised of the value chain of the SSP where the direct invoicing process belongs. By Allen/Vision, the choreography diagram for the direct invoicing process layered a collaboration diagram for the direct invoicing process. The processes were as per the refinement of the choreography and they pertained; central process model by Nicole and the detailed sub-process models by Ibrahim. The processes and the sub-processes presented were sufficiently

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Restriction of alcohol Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Restriction of alcohol - Research Paper Example Heavy consumption of alcohol for the purpose of getting intoxicated is, in modern terms, called binge drinking which is actually the consumption of five or more drinks in a row in a week. There are many reasons behind why people want to binge drink. The most important is peer pressure. People, including students, see others around doing it and they want to do it too because they are curious and because the media, bars and companies make heavy drinking sound like a fun activity. Youngsters binge drink because they want to feel grown up; elders binge drink for several other reasons which include de-stressing oneself, removing boredom, socializing, trying to stand out in crowd (hedonistic or macho drinkers), or removing depression. Whatever the reason may be, heavy consumption of alcohol is hazardous in nature. Some disastrous effects include affected brain activity, memory and concentration; increased emotional mood swings; inability to perceive the direction of sound; dysfunctional re productive system; increased risk of breast cancer (Doheny); affected driving leading to accidents; and, family violence. I predicted that although people might binge drink to de-stress themselves, but there are so many adverse effects related to it that people will support my hypothesis that heavy alcohol consumption must be restricted by law, and for every age. Although there is much research done in the past regarding this issue, still there are research gaps that need to be filled in. Most of the researchers have focused on student binge drinking. Wechsler et al. conducted research on 17592 college students and found that students who binge drink suffer from serious health issues and behavioral problems that bother others at the institute. Researchers (Wechsler et al.; Chaloupka and Wechsler) support the fact that legal interventions are required to stop binge drinking in college students. Pridemore studied how binge drinking leads to

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Not sure it is about media study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Not sure it is about media study - Essay Example 76). Althusser’s then considered that class is never inherent but instead culturally created, and individual desires, attitude, behaviours and choices are creation of ideology. Furthermore, he argued that ideology controls people via despotic state machineries built in ideological state devices, and as such, it is impossible to conceive a structure of images plus objects whose connotations can exist separately of language. Althusser’s observes that ideology interpellates existing individuals as material subjects through pre-existing classes comprising the subject (Montag, 2003, p. 45). Foucault, on the other hand observes ideology as an intolerable concept of universal judiciousness, which are based on subjectivity (Mills, 2012, p. 64). Foucault scepticism on ideology is based on his belief that dissimilar rationalities are composed in historical structures. Thus, he mystifies power due to its emphasis on universal truth. Foucault asserts that, subjectivity is the validation of a progression, and it is rather provisional leading to subject(s) (Ransom, 2008, p. 4). To Foucault subjectivities are rather multiple instead of being unified even as it fluctuates instead of being fixed, per se, subjects are socially constituted. Hence, subjectivity possesses a permanent provocation to the discourse or conversation which defines it (Strozier, 2002, p. 21). On the other hand, Althusser’s defines subjectivity as the roles, characteristics or subject possessed by individuals, and willingly undertake in response to an ideology. Thus, according to Althusser’s, su bjectivity is the hub of initiatives, an author of, along with being responsible for its actions. Therefore, an individual is for all time a subject, even before he or she is born (Ferretter, 2012, p. 88). The aim of this paper is to discuss the statement that language is always already ideological,

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Relevant Theories of Management and Application Essay

Relevant Theories of Management and Application - Essay Example Each theory offers managers a unique approach for attaining organisational success. This paper attempts to illustrate the characteristics of different organisational theories and how they were successfully applied by various types of organisation. Nature of Scientific Management Increased efficiency of job performance is the goal of scientific management, which is the pioneering organisational theory. This was introduced by Frederick Taylor in 1909 during the beginning of industrial revolution. Taylor recognised that critical to the success of industrial firms is maximising worker productivity while minimising waste. In effect, Taylor promoted the method of standardising the job of each worker. This is done by having the managers analyse the tasks that are essential for increased efficiency and allowing them to create job designs that will maximise the division of labor. Then, the workers are given full layout of the specific tasks that needs to be accomplished (cited in Watson 1995) . Furthermore, scientific management practices also involve strict levels of control. ... In this context, scientific management theory proved significant for effective mass production. However, the scientific management practices of the 19th century in US and UK factories have compromised the morale of many workers. This then resulted to the formation and strengthening of unions in countries. They asserted that such practices, especially in car factories, have reduced their bodies into human machines by utilising them to the full extent and taking away their right to movement (Hollway 1991). Despite the drawbacks of scientific management theory on employee health and morale, one UK firm has successfully adopted scientific management practices. Hans Chains was one of the world’s famous makers of drive chain. While the organisation applied the systematic division of labor to minimise production cost and improve efficiency, it refused to adopt strict scientific management practices which are detrimental to the health of employees. Rather than giving them differential bonuses, the company implemented a policy in 1896 which allowed workers to work with only 48 hours a week. This is based on the premise that worker productivity is maximised if working hours is reduced (Witzel 2009). Moreover, in 1906, Hans Chains established the first personnel department while in 1917; it was the first firm to develop a committee for managing the shop workers. The company experienced massive success in the field by adopting the effective practices of scientific management and avoiding its drawbacks, such as exploiting the strength of workers to maximise profit (Witzel 2009). Moreover, recent research on large US manufacturing firms showed the application of scientific management practices through the extensive effort to minimise production